On November 19th last year I shot my first roll on a canon sure shot that was given to me when my grandpa passed away. I was bored and it was raining so I drove around to see what I could get into. Before I knew it I was out for 3 hours and shot a whole roll of weird signs all around the city. I figured i'd make a zine or something but never really did. Here are the photos. RIP Jack Green. Click to make photos larger.
Also Gone.
I have taken quite a few photos of this hoop that was in Del Ray at a crumbling recreation center. After I posted one Andrew from SMPLFD Clothing told me he was actually the one who painted the hoop. One day I even stepped on a nail and had to drive myself to the ER with a shoe full of blood. It's only a matter of months before this whole city is demolished for the new Gordie Howe bridge to Canada. Sad to see that this hoop was gone the other day, hopefully they preserved it.
For some reason I feel like lately a lot of stuff is changing. Most likely i'm just over thinking, however I was pretty sad to see that the last time I went by these dresses near The Heidelberg Project, they were gone. Here is a photo of them on a foggy day awhile back.
Mongo Mash - PG Birthday 10/28/2017
Last Saturday along with Pluskateboarding we had a Halloween themed event at The Wig called the "Mongo Mash". It was also Pat Galloway's birthday. In the morning the park was soaked and we didn't know if it would ever dry because of how cold it was, and of course the sun wasn't out. By midday the park was dry. All the homies ended up showing up, and it turned out really fun. Enjoy some photos below, shot on ektar 100 film. Click to make larger.
Korean Bell
The other day I was going through a hard drive and saw this photo of my friend Dale Decker doing a fast plant at the "Korean Bell" in San Pedro, California. This was on September 27th, 2015. I always liked the way this trick looked, and how the guy is escorting his girl while looking at the trick. Thanks Dale. Stay tuned for my next blog post that will be from a Halloween Party at The Wig.
A couple weeks ago I noticed when it was golden hour and the sun was shining at this old Mobil sign that it still read Mob. It has been cloudy lately but it was nice to finally get it. I shot it around 5:30pm from a neighborhood across the highway with my 70-200. Click to make larger.
Place & Time
I'm having my first solo photo show in a couple weeks. I took a photo out skateboarding one day that reminded me a lot of the Grant Brittain push photo of Tod Swank from the 80's. Over time I started to feel that I was lucky to come across some really crazy light. I accumulated a few photos and started thinking I should have a show featuring this concept. For awhile I just kinda forgot about it. Until we started going into a coffee/leather shop down the street from our apartment, and seeing lots of cool art in their gallery. I started to think it would be a good fit. We saw that the gallery was empty and asked if we it was possible and they were down. I'm thankful my friends are able to be patient with me and do stuff like this, and that Will Leather Goods is letting us do the show. There will be a couple DJ's, game of skate, and good times! 7-10pm September 29th. 4120 Second Ave Detroit, MI 48201. Show will also be up for one month!
Gibraltar Trade Center
On a random Sunday awhile back, after being at the Auto Show, Derrick, Ben, Pat, and I decided to go to Gibraltar Trade Center. Derrick was the only one who had been there. He has it tattooed on him so that says enough. The place was crazier than I expected, so much crazy stuff. From sex shops, vintage signs, fake yeezys, and questionable sports memorabilia. Derrick even scored yet another custom "Hoe Check" hoody, and Pat got a ring that broke a week after. It had me wondering about the vendors. It is now closed unfortunately I only got to go this time. Glad I got to experience it once. Shot with a canon sure shot, and ilford 50 speed film.
The Wig's Third
Yesterday we celebrated The Wig's third birthday. It may end up being its last but this was definitely another classic MI skateboarding event, and a great way to celebrate. We also celebrated the life of Michael Mollahan a fellow skateboarder who passed in December. Thanks to everyone who came out! Heres some photos, click to make larger.
Go Skateboarding Day 2017
For those who don't know Go Skateboarding Day is June 21st. The longest day of the year, and first day of summer. It fell on a Wednesday this year so I was unsure of how many people would show up. Any doubt I had was wrong, so many people came out! We had a few different contests going on, grilled hot dogs, and celebrated from 1-10pm. Here's some photos I took throughout the day.